Thursday, February 5, 2009

PDF Viewer Prototype!

This morning I posted a prototype for the NDS PDF viewer to

The shout out to gbadev is well earned; they've got a great community over there and if you are doing homebrew for the DS or GBA and not going there, you are making things unnecessarily difficult for yourself.

Here is the prototype version for release. It has a simple file chooser and some artifacting issues. Its more a proof of concept than anything.

And here is the debug version of that same version. All this means is that rendering to the sub display is disabled, so you get a console. If you encounter any problems with a pdf, run them through that to see the exact error.

These user interfaces by the way, only work with the stylus. You double tap a pdf file to open it; same with a directory.

I'll be releasing the source code later tonight once I get all that stuff in order. I should note that I didn't write the PDF render engine for it; I cross compiled this and tweaked with it to avoid memory issues.

I would like, if at all possible, for as many people to test it out as possible and tell me how they like it. I'm also trying to dream up a way to make this easy to use for actual reading, and so any ideas in that regard would be greatly appreciated!

1 comment:


    In all seriousness though, great job! I already downloaded the source and plan to mess with it.

    "Unfortunately where I have a size cap on where I'm hosting the files now, so I don't want to put too many configurations up, but when I find a more permanent solution I'll do this. "

    If you need some hosting, I can hook you up. Send me a message: fearmycasper[at]yahoo[dot]com
